5 Activities & Things to Do in Halong Bay

Halong Bay is 600 square miles in size and contains nearly 2,000 islands, the majority of which are limestone karsts that soar majestically out of the sea. Twenty million years in the making, it has become a popular tourism destination, with travel companies specializing in cruise vacations. The bay is home to 1,600 inhabitants, mostly in four floating villages: Cura Van, Ba Hang, Cong Tau, and Vong Vieng. It has a 75-mile-long coastline. Furthermore, there are many things that can be done in Halong Bay.

1. Have Overnight on Board

The easiest way to see Halong Bay is to spend the night on board. You should look forward to seeing the simple life of a fisherman in its purest form. Friendly and welcoming locals will teach you how to throw a fishing net, row your own rowing boat, and go fishing like a pro. You can also eat its popular seafood, such as crabs, sea clams, and prawns.

2. Visit Cannon Fort

From a high point, you can see rolling hills, bobbing fishing boats, and a karst formation jutting out of the water. On the way to the cannon castle, you can also see hidden passages and a variety of attractions such as gun emplacements.

3. Take a Cruise

The easiest way to explore Halong Bay is to take a sea ride. With over 2000 islands to pick from, you can go anywhere you want to see anything you want, from the well-known to the lesser-known. Enjoying a buffet lunch as part of the trip or staying on the boat overnight is an unforgettable sailing activity.

4. Jump a Seaplane

If you want to see how Halong Bay looks from above, take a seaplane tour. Within 25 minutes, you would have had a completely new experience. The sightseeing flight will take you across some of the Gulf of Tonkin’s 1600 islands and islets, as well as beaches, lagoons, and towering sea cliffs. There are flights in the morning and afternoon, so you can pick the most suitable time for you. The aerial view of Halong Bay will undoubtedly take your breath away!

5. Go Scuba Diving

Visitors would be able to see the great underwater world of Halong for themselves by scuba diving. At the bottom of Halong Bay, you can touch and discover different types of fish and pristine coral reefs. It must be an incredible experience for you, particularly for visitors who enjoy discovering new things. You don’t have to be concerned about your wellbeing and all buildings are routinely inspected to meet safety standards.