The scene of cherry blossoms blooming at the foot of Lao Tham mountain

Beautiful highland scenery

Cherry blossoms bloom beautifully at the foot of the mountain after the cold winter and snowfall at Y Ty. Phin Ho village is located at an altitude of more than 2,000 m and it is the second highest village (after Trung Chai) in Y Ty commune, Bat Xat district, about 80 km west of Sa Pa town.

Phin Ho village has 78 households with more than 400 people. The highlight in the village is that every house grows peaches around their house and reports to sell each spring. Any house that does not grow much will also have a few plants to decorate in front of the yard. Furthermore, some households plant a cherry blossom hill.

Peaches bloom in full bloom in Phin Ho, at the foot of Lao Tham mountain. The 2,860 m high mountain is known as the “cloud hunting paradise” of the roof of Y Ty’s house. The head of Vang A Ho village (26 years old, the H’Mong) said that people had settled in Phin Ho village before the 1990s and planted many ancient peach stumps. In fact, most peach roots are over 30 years old.

New discovery places

A Ho said, the climate on Phin Ho all year round is foggy and cold. Peach trees often grow a lot of moss and lichen, so it is also known as mold digging. Buds are as big as corn kernels and flowers bloom brilliantly. Each big, mossy and beautiful peach branch costs 1-3 million dong, providing basic income for people in spring.

Uncle Vang Anhnh brought firewood from the forest underneath the canopy of fresh peach blossoms. He said that during the daytime, people here go to work in the fields, grow potatoes and wet rice fields, in addition to cultivate herbs such as cardamom, transframe.

The flower season is beautiful for about 2 weeks, then the fruit can be harvested and sold in the summer. In addition to peach blossoms, plum blossoms, visitors to Phin Ho can find other local specialties such as grain wine soaked in wild honey, dried buffalo, and dried pigs.

According to Mr. A Ho, Phin Ho people do not travel much. Furthermore, there is no homestay, so few tourists know about this village. Tourists are mainly photographers who come to hunt photos, or wwho want to buy peaches or hunt clouds on the top of Lao Tham.