What do you have to prepare when travelling to ThaiLand?

When traveling to Thailand, certainly in addition to indomitable papers such as passports, wallets, air tickets, you also need to prepare other luggage for a smooth Thailand trip. Do not ignore the great tips to prepare luggage go travel to Thailand below

Checking the weather before going to Thailand

Tips to prepare luggage when traveling to Thailand need to know

Photo: Umbrellas need to bring

The peak tourist season in Thailand is from April to September. the hot weather lasts from morning to night, so you should not forget to bring sunscreen and a hat to avoid sunburn and skin damage. Besides shady is also a “must- have- item” because it is both less dazzling, and also assists you with cool travel photos.

Just like the weather in the North of Vietnam, remember to bring raincoats and umbrellas in order not to get wet. Moreover, plastic bags or waterproof bags will be very useful to keep your electronic devices from being damaged by rainwater.

Costumes when going to temples and palaces

Tips to prepare luggage when traveling to Thailand need to know

Photo: Temples in Thailand

Thailand is the land of golden pagodas and magnificent palaces that everyone wants to visit once. Located in the famous royal architectural complex in Thailand, Vimanmek Mansion Summer Palace is an extremely lavish place which is built for King Rama V to rest. To ensure the respect, this place has strict regulations and you need to pay attention to prepare costumes. When passing through the control door, if you do not wear the correct rules, you will not be able to visit the palace, or be required to buy a Thai sarong for about 100 baht. Besides, you will be asked to take off your shoes or sandals from the outside to go barefoot into the Palace, so to make this “procedure” quicker, you should wear flip flops.

Just like the Palace, temples in Thailand also require visitors to discreetly wear, but if you miss a short skirt or shorts, some temples will have a towel closet for you to borrow. Besides, you do not need to bring a camera when going to the temple because most temples do not allow taking photos.

Shopping items

Tips to prepare luggage when traveling to Thailand need to know

Photo: Fabric bag

Certainly, no one can resist shopping in Thailand: buying souvenirs, buying electronics, buying shampoo, buying Thai snacks, etc. You should get a visa card or exchange more baht. So in order for your shopping to be controlled and reasonable, prepare and bring a list of items to buy and a clear estimate of spending.

Don’t forget to bring a few sturdy canvas bags with you in case your suitcase doesn’t have enough storage space. At hotels in Thailand, there are often automatic luggage weighing machines that help passengers balance their weight without exceeding the allowed number of kilograms. So during the shopping process, when you get an odd amount in Thai coins, remember to save or keep a few 5bath coins.

Attention when carrying money

Tips to prepare luggage when traveling to Thailand need to know

Photo: Note carefully stored money

In addition to carrying suitcases, you should prepare a small handbag with a long strap to hold your wallet or phone when traveling in the city. You should not put the bag behind the back to avoid being stolen.

In terms of currency, it’s best to bring both: Thai baht, Vietnamese currency and a visa card. Baht money to spend in Thailand and Vietnamese money to protect themselves on the way from Thailand to Vietnam. Visa is very useful when you want to spend in excess of the cash with you. Do not put money together in one place. You should keep your visa card as an indivisible object like your passport. Registration should be divided into two parts, one stored in the place of the visa card, one part for a pocket or a bag. You should choose to wear pants with deep pockets to prevent theft.