5 Free Things to Do in Hanoi, Vietnam

1. Join A Free Walking Tour

A free walking tour of Hanoi may not be possible in other cities in Vietnam. Both visitors and service providers benefit from this form of tourism. Tour guides are mostly locals who want to develop their English skills. As a result, in addition to saving a considerable amount of money, you will have the ability to explore interesting areas of the city that some might not be aware of.

There are various clubs and organisations in Hanoi that offer free walking tours, such as Hanoi-kids, Hanoi Free Private Tour Guide, and Hanoi Free Tour Guide. You should scan for their website on the Internet or just ask your hostel ahead of time.

2. Bike and Walk Around Hoan Kiem Lake and West Lake

If you’ve ever heard of Hanoi, Vietnam, you’ve also heard of the two famous lakes known as Hoan Kiem Lake and West Lake. They’re great places to go for a walk at any time of day.

Locals can be seen running, walking, and exercising in the mornings near the lakes. In the afternoon and evening, there are young people dancing, singing, and participating in a variety of events, creating an energetic environment for tourists to enjoy.

Aside from being a great entertainment centre, the two lakes both have a range of spectacular attractions that are well worth a visit, such as The Huc Bridge, Pen Hill, and Tran Quoc Pagoda.

3. Night Live Music on Hoan Kiem Lake Walking Street

Similarly to Ho Chi Minh City, Hanoi now has a street named Dinh Tien Hoang Street that does not allow any vehicles to drive through during the weekend evenings. As a result, on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, this location will be very busy with both locals and tourists. They come to enjoy the city’s fresh air, stroll about, and talk with one another.

There are also a number of entertainment opportunities available for people of all ages on Hoan Kiem Lake’s Walking Lane. The elderly will softly dance or exercise, the middle-aged will do jazz/rock, and the young will engage in Vietnamese cultural dances or cover K pop dancing.

4. Explore Hanoi’s Old Quarter

The Old Quarter of Hanoi is full of vibrant handicrafts and art works produced by skilled Vietnamese artists. Your spare time here will be spent contemplating carvings, sculptures, patterns, and ink sketches in a variety of shops along the avenues. The goods available here are so important that you will not be able to find them in other areas of Vietnam.

5. Visit Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum

The body of Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam’s most revered president, is held in this mausoleum. It’s a 2-kilometer stroll from West Lake and surrounded by lush greenery. When visitors visit the Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum, they can see a large number of soldiers both outside and inside the mausoleum. They still wear the same dress and retain solemn gestures.

There is a museum near the Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum that shows objects used by Ho Chi Minh in the past. Tourists will then have a greater picture of the Vietnam War.