Tuyen Lam Lake in Dalat

Tuyen Lam Lake Dalat is 6km south of Dalat city center, just below Truc Lam Zen Monastery. It has a fresh climate and quiet space along with the natural landscape (forests, mountains, lakes, streams, waterfalls, …).

Tuyen Lam Lake - Destination not to be missed in Da Lat

Besides, Tuyen Lam Lake has many special types of tourism such as sightseeing, camping, resort … There are also mountain climbing, fishing, etc.

Tuyen Lam Lake, Dalat

The beauty of Tuyen Lam lake Dalat

Those who have been to Tuyen Lam Lake all acknowledge that this place is truly a charming landscape picture with blue water and absolute peace. Every dawn, Tuyen Lam lake is covered with a misty white mist, which makes the scene here like a dream place.

The sun gradually rises and the dew gradually dissolves. The sound of the wind whispering from the pine forest is the sound of birds lining to welcome a new day. At noon, the golden rays of sunlight reveal the iridescent waves of the lake, making the lake mesmerizingly beautiful.

Visitors to Tuyen Lam Lake can lie on the banks of the grass around the lake, watch the sky, clouds and enjoy the wonderful pure atmosphere or float in a small boat in the middle of the lake. There seems to be no other place more peaceful and poetic than this one.

Tuyen Lam Lake, Dalat

Around the time after the Lunar New Year, Tuyen Lam Lake is the perfect destination. This place brings people the most peaceful, romantic and freshest moments.

Tuyen Lam Lake, Dalat

Tuyen Lam Lake Dalat is a potential destination because of its charm. Come to Dalat and visit this ideal destination with Focus Asia Travel !