Dream Hill of Da Lat

If anyone ever set foot in Da Lat city to visit or relax, the resort of Dream Hill of Dalat is no longer strange to visitors. This is a place born on the occasion of welcoming the 110-year-old Da Lat city. Now, this is one of the indispensable destinations in your Dalat tour

Dream Hill of Da Lat

Dream Hill of Da Lat

Born in 2003, with a total area of ​​more than 13 hectares, located only 4km north of Da Lat city center, Dream Hill tourist area in Da Lat  – embellished from Dragon Lake before, has now been transformed into a closed integrated tourist resort with a completely new look. More than 10 years since its founding, Dream Hill has been affirming its position for the tourism industry in terms of prestige, professionalism and service quality. Since then, it always offering new tourism models to meet the increasing tourism demand of tourists from all over the world.

Dream Hill of Da Lat

Dream Hill of Da Lat

On a modest area, this place is also full of flowers and green grass for four seasons and many new varieties of flowers with vibrant colors. They are well cared for, beautifully designed to create feelings for guests right from the start. Here, visitors have the opportunity to enjoy the artificial architecture harmoniously combined with the natural landscape.

See the great beauty of the great wall stretching across 2 km of hills and mountains or come to a 300-year old house built from the original communal house in Binh Dinh, you will come to the memories of the ancient past. Continue to visit the rock garden with full color natural landscape, enjoy the dazzling hermaphrodites blooming in the gardens around Dream Hill, you will have new and relaxed feelings.

Dream Hill of Da Lat

Dream Hill of Da Lat

Coming to Mong Mo Hill, you will enjoy romantic natural landscapes along with thousands of flowers blooming in a romantic and attractive space. After that, do not forget to have fun and learn useful information about the culture of the region, especially of the indigenous people here.

Dream Hill of Da Lat