What month is Korean autumn? What’s special?

Korea is a country imbued with the colors of Eastern culture. With romantic tourist destinations appearing a lot in television dramas, this is a tourist destination that everyone should visit once in their life, one of the best times to visit is autumn. So do you know what month Korean autumn is?

1. Which season is best to travel to Korea?

Korea is a name that no one feels strange when mentioning it. It has long been familiar to Vietnamese people from movies, delicious dishes, modern fashion styles,… and also travel. Such a beautiful country, but do you know which season is the most beautiful in Korea?

While spring is the season of festivals. Summer is extremely pleasant and winter is harsh and cold, with temperatures down to minus 8 degrees Celsius, making it a very popular ski resort. However, the best time to travel to Korea is autumn. So what month is Korean autumn in?

2. What month is Korean autumn?

Like other locations in the Northern Hemisphere, Korean autumn starts from September to November every year. This is also the time when Korea welcomes the most tourists of the year because the weather and scenery in Korea are very beautiful at this time.

From September to November every year can also be called the festival season where visitors can freely experience and have fun. Romance combined with a joyful, bustling atmosphere.

3. Korean weather in autumn

Maybe you don’t know, but Korea’s weather is not too different from Vietnam’s climate, but it is cooler and more pleasant. Not too cold but not too hot, just a bit chilly. The air is also fresher and more peaceful despite the hustle and bustle of life. Therefore, you can freely prepare splendid clothes to travel to this country, but do not forget a thin jacket and a pair of sports shoes.

The average temperature is from 20 degrees Celsius but by November it will start to get cold. Especially at the end of November, the temperature can drop lower than 10 degrees Celsius, so you should not be subjective if you go during this time.

4. What is there in Korean autumn?

What month is Korean autumn in? This is a common question of many people when coming to the land of kimchi. It’s not for nothing that we say this is the most suitable time to travel to Korea.

In the fall, Korea puts on a beautiful yellow mantle made from changing leaves. Gone is the fresh green and replaced by a scene of falling yellow leaves. Wonderful natural scenery has brought tourists from all over the world to Korea.

One of the places you cannot miss is Nami Island. In October, when autumn comes, Nami Island is known as a love paradise with maple trees and ginkgo trees changing their romantic yellow leaves, making people’s hearts sob restlessly. With just one scene here, we have thousands of romantic photos to show off to our friends. I feel very happy on this island because everything here is so peaceful. The atmosphere, scenery, and people here make me think I am the main character in the movie Winter Sonata.

You can also try wearing traditional Korean costumes and take photos of ancient costumes in the palace, you will definitely receive beautiful works and a memorable memory.

In addition to the above, it is also the season of festivals. There is the Seoul International Fireworks Festival taking place in October, the Geumsan Ginseng Festival in September every year and especially the Jinju Lantern Festival with bright colors that bring wishes to everyone.