Van Trinh Cave- Fanciful maze

Van Trinh Cave, situated in Mo mountain of Van Trinh hamlet, Thuong Hoa commune, Nho Quan district, is the highest and most stunning cave in Ninh Binh province, comparable to Thien Cung cave in Ha Long bay (Quang Ninh). Shimmering stalactite stalactites inside the cave make tourists feel trapped in this “magical labyrinth.”

Van Trinh cave covers an area of about 3,500m2. The dynamic dome, in particular, is the highest point, with an altitude of more than 100m. The flat dynamic floor with many special floral designs will attract visitors who come here. The cave was formerly known as Christmas Fairy because the stalactites here are built like gentle fairies playing and dancing. Furthermore, the interior of the cave is like a castle, with many stalactites lined up in a row soaring to the arch.

To enter the cave, tourists must first travel to the foot of Mo Mountain, then follow the slope, step up around 3m, and remain in the guesthouse. Visitors will begin a climbing trip to Van Trinh cave after a few minutes of sitting here. To get to the cave entrance, take about 80 steps up like an indoor staircase. The cave gate is about 15 meters high as compared to the mountain’s foot, but the cave door is just 1.5 meters high and 1 meter deep. Van Trinh cave is made up of two parallel rows that are spaced, high, and short.

Stepping into the cave, tourists can marvel at the “fantasy universe” created by shimmering stalactites of various colors and shapes… Hanging frames, statues, and embossing characters from ancient tales adorn the cave walls.

Thanks to the hard drops of water that have shaped such masterpieces as the majestic king’s throne is dazzling with blinds, concave; vivid stalactites transformed into a king sitting at a court, princes discussing a royal dynasty; Jesus is stretching his hands, Buddha is compassionate and compassionate… to the image of a chessboard with images of beautiful fairies.

The cages are stalactite in green paint as if inlaid with pearls, and the arch is very tall. There are beautiful stone flower beams, and blocks of “diamonds” that flared with iridescent colors as the spotlight were shone on them.

Visitors will see tiny round stones that look like duck eggs, chicken eggs, marbles, and pea rings, but are very different from the others if they look closely on the cave floor. The cave has stalactites.

According to preliminary scientists, they were born during the time of complex formation. According to legend, the ancients used to go to the cave and take them to grind to drink to treat various diseases.

Van Trinh has retained the stone’s natural charm and virginity over time. Visitors learn more new stuff with each step, seeing a fresh landscape that is bewitchingly breathtaking and indescribably stunning.