The Top 5 iconic trekking trails in Vietnam (Part 2)

Trekking in Vietnam is a common activity for many daring travelers. Vietnam’s varied topography has many breathtaking trekking routes of varying difficulty, making them ideal for people with varying health problems and levels of experience. We’ve compiled a list of the top ten trekking trails worth visiting, as voted on by both locals and international visitors.

1. Apachai (Dien Bien Phu)

Apachai is Vietnam’s westernmost point, where the borders of Vietnam, Laos, and China converge, about 250 kilometers from Dien Bien Phu’s central city. With a height of 1687m and a remote area, the majority of the inhabitants are members of small ethnic groups such as Ha Nhi and others. Apachai means “Enormous Land” in Ha Nhi’s language.2. Pu Luong Nature Reserve (Thanh Hoa)

Pu Luong is the largest nature reserve in the North, covering nearly 18000 ha and bringing you to the most breathtaking natural scenes of mountains, trees, terrace fields, lakes, and waterfalls. What’s more, you’ll stroll through many villages with minor ethnic groups while remaining safely within epic existence. Pu Luong is a genuinely beautiful trekking trail. The peak of Pu Luong has an excellent view of the entire downward valley and surrounding areas.

3. Nam Cat Tien (Dong Nai, Lam Dong, Binh Thuan)

Nam Cat Tien national park, with its curvy paths and diverse ecosystem, is one of the best trekking destinations in Vietnam’s south. The trail is about 15 kilometers long and relatively flat. There are several hundred-year-old trees with bodies as large as 20 adult arm’s length combined. Aside from primitive forests, which are the most common topography in trekking areas, you may have the opportunity to see rare and valuable animals such as rhinos, crocodiles, peacocks, and flamingos. As you proceed further into the woodland, there will be more surprises for you to discover.

4. Bach Ma National Park (Hue)

Private Car Hoi An

Bach Ma National Park, located 1,450 meters above sea level, was discovered in 1932 by French architect M. Girard. Later, the French transformed this place into a luxury resort with 139 villas, swimming pools, restaurants, and so on. Inside the extensive primitive forest area is a diverse ecosystem with over 2000 species of plants and over 1500 species of animals, 93 of which are identified in the Red Book.

5. Ta Lien Son mountain (Lai Chau)

Ta Lien Son, with a height of nearly 3000m, is one of Vietnam’s top ten highest mountains. The varied plant system makes it look like a scene from a fairy tale, so it’s also known as the “enchanted jungle.” Furthermore, the trek is not too difficult and is doable by beginner trekkers. The entire trekking route lasts three days and two nights. You will achieve a height of 1900m on the first day. Hang inside a cave or locate a flat surface for camping before sunset. In the second day, try to hit the highest point by 2 p.m. so you can return to the previous night’s resting spot before dark.