The famous slopes of Da Lat beat the hearts of Vietnamese tourists

Dalat not only impresses visitors with the ancient and romantic beauty of typical French architectures, brilliant flower seasons, pine hills, romantic tea hills or cold climate but also “cut the heart” of visitors by the winding slopes. 

It can be said that the slopes of Dalat are one of the unique “specialties” that make up the poetic beauty that is no less thorny and spectacular for this foggy city. There is nowhere like Da Lat, a place where you often see steep, winding slopes up and down again. Perhaps because of this, the name “Slope City” impresses many tourists.

If you are a loyal fan of Da Lat, do not miss this article. The beautiful and famous Dalat slopes below will definitely make your heart beat right from the first time you meet.

1. Nha Bo Slope

Nha Bo slope is one of the famous check-in places in Dalat. This small but extremely poetic slope has appeared in many movies, dramas, music videos and many beautiful pictures. The slope in Da Lat - Nha Bo slope 1Doc Nha Bo appeared in the famous movie “Dazzling May” directed by Quang Dung.

The slope is located at the end of Dao Duy Tu street, ward 4, Da Lat city. The reason it was called “Doc Nha Bo” was because a Frenchman set up a barn at the end of the slope. This is essentially a shortcut opened by the people here to go from the city center to Palace III (Bao Dai Palace) located on the top of the hill. The slope runs from the foot of the hill about 500m long with three steps built next to it so that people can walk easily.

However, recently, many Da Lat tourist information sites reported that Doc Nha Bo banned photography due to the dangerous steepness, affecting traffic. This makes the young people regret the loss of a beautiful photo spot in Da Lat.Da Lat slope - cow house slope 2Nha Bo slope Dao Duy Tu street, ward 4, Da Lat.The slope of Dalat - the slope of Nha Bo 3The slope has a gentle, poetic scene.
The slope of Dalat - the slope of a poetic cow houseDoc Nha Bo is visited by many young people to check-in

2. Song Lo slope

Song Lo slope is famous for the slope that falls from a high hill to Truong Cong Dinh street. Looking down from above, you will see that this slope looks like an abyss connecting the beginning and the end.

Song Lo slope is one of the most beautiful and primitive steps in the foggy city. This place is associated with many ups and downs memories of Da Lat people. The slope with 70 steps of mossy stone has imprinted many footsteps of passersby.The slope of Dalat - the slope of Song Lo 1Song Lo slope is associated with many memories of Da Lat people.Da Lat slope - Lot 2 river slopeSong Lo slope consists of 70 steps of mossy stone

3. Nha Lang Slope

The lovely “Nha Lang Slope” is the fastest shortcut for people to go up to the House (common) of the other village. This is the fastest path leading to Nguyen Van Troi street to get into the center of the street, Hoa Binh area, instead of running around. The slope has a multitude of steps that must step upwards, so many visitors are tired when they have to move each step to go up.The slope of Dalat - the slope of Nha Lang 1Nha Lang slope is the fastest shortcut for people to go to the House (common) of the other village.The slope of Dalat - the slope of Nha Lang 2Slope Nha Lang is one of the famous slopes in Dalat.

4. Nguyet Vong Lau Slope

Located at the corner of Truong Dinh – Tang Bat Ho Street, Nguyet Vong Lau slope has become a favorite check-in spot of young people every time they visit Da Lat. According to local people, in the past, Nguyet Vong Lau was a famous tea shop of the Chinese people. So from the name to the layout are Asian-style with high red lanterns. After that, the shop was closed for unknown reasons, but the impressive red brick house remained.The slope of Da Lat - Vong Nguyet slope Floor 1The slope is located at the corner of Truong Dinh – Tang Bat Ho streetThe stairs hope the moonThe charming beauty of East Asian styleDa Lat slope - Vong Nguyet slope 3rd floorThis is one of the slopes that are loved by tourists.

5. Slope of Da Lat Market

Coming to Da Lat can not ignore sightseeing, eating and drinking at Dalat market. And one of the attractions that make up this famous market are its slopes and terraces. Impressed by the old mossy color of time, the slope of Da Lat market will bring you the super magic and super virtual “pô”.The slope of Da Lat - the slope of Da Lat market 1Da Lat Market Slope is familiar to visitorsThe slope of Da Lat - the slope of Da Lat market 2Divine virtual living corner “Hongkong beside Da Lat market”.The slope of Da Lat - the slope of Da Lat market 3Soaring slopes and terraces around the market will bring you the top-notch virtual “pô”.

6. Slope the Gospel

True to its name, Protestant slope is located just below the Protestant church on Nguyen Van Troi street. Before 1975, this was considered as a “romantic slope” – the dating place of couples in Da Lat.

This Dalat slope is very popular with tourists, especially young people. Here you can see the panoramic view of the dream city center. Every afternoon, when the flow of people comes to the Mass, the ringing of the ringing church bell is also the time when sunset falls, creating a poetic, extremely romantic scene.Slope Protestant church The slope is just below the Protestant churchThe slope of Da Lat - the slope of the Protestant church Before 1975, this was considered as a “romantic slope” – the dating place of couples in Da Lat.

7. Doc Da Quy

Among the slopes of Da Lat , Doc Da Quy is the ideal check-in point that many people love. This slope is known as the excellent “cherry blossom road” in Dalat. To reveal to you that, Da Quy slope is located in Xuan Tho village, Trai Mat, on the road from Da Lat city to Trai Mat.

Stop at Da Quy slope in spring, you will be amazed by the flawless beauty of the rows of cherry blossoms growing close and stretching. Its beauty is likened to a dreamy pink silk strip under the deep blue sky. In the cold weather, caressing the skin, inhaling the fresh air, airy, enjoying the beauty of flowers and flowers is nothing more wonderful, right?The slope of Dalat - the slope of Da Quy 1Doc Da Quy is known as the most beautiful “cherry blossom road” in Da Lat.The slope of Da Lat - Doc Da Quy 2Doc Da Quy is an ideal check-in place that many people love.

In addition to the famous slopes mentioned above by LuhanhVietNam, there are countless other slopes such as Nha Thuong, Troi Oi, Light, … Each slope has its own beauty. all hide an irresistible “love”. If you also love the simple and beautiful slopes here, do not hesitate to book a trip to Dalat with your loved ones or family and friends for this weekend!