Floating Sand Dunes Kim Son

Set your feet on the alluvial surface. Visitors to Kim Son admire not only the one-of-a-kind Cathedral Complex (Stone Church Phat Diem) but also the breathtaking scenery. Phat Diem Stone Church is well-known for its architectural architecture, which combines Gothic and Oriental elements.

Kim Son’s coastline is about 18 kilometers long, resulting in a large and diverse aquatic landscape of over 105 000 hectares. About 500 aquatic plants and animals live here, as do over 50 mangrove trees in watershed mudflats and 200 birds. There are several rare species mentioned in the Red Book, as well as extensive mangrove forests, salt marshes, mudflats, and watersheds… Kim Son’s biodiversity-ecosystem has made it an important feature of the World Biosphere Reserve and has been recognized by UNESCO. Kim Son is an ideal location for all types of tourism, including scientific exploration and ecotourism.

Sand dunes that float Kim son is about 8 kilometers away from the estate, with an area of 1000 hectares. Floating sand dunes look majestically beautiful in the midst of vast sea space. Floating sand dunes are so majestic and charming that they captivate everyone. Floating sand dunes Kim Son still retain their wild elegance today. It has the potential to be a desirable destination in the future.

According to the Provincial Standing Committee and the political, the Ninh Binh Tourism Department arranged survey trips to learn about the reality of mudflats and floating sand dunes.

According to the Provincial Standing Committee’s undertakings, Xuan Truong Construction Company has been selected as the investor for the Ecotourism combined with Entertainments and Resort Project. Mudflats and floating sand dunes at Kim Son’s seaside will be developed into a Marine Ecotourism region with national and international levels, featuring historical, cultural, and spiritual appeal, as well as Ecotourism and Resorts.

Until now (10/2019), the bridge over the sea links the endpoint of the 12B road and the finished Floating Sand Dunes Kim Son. This is a watershed moment in the history of marine economic growth.