Travel Blog
2676 Views / 26/10/2021 / vietnamtour
Do you believe you could see everything in Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) in one day? According to our Malaysia travel experience, it is completely doable, as long as you have feet...
4303 Views / 26/10/2021 / vietnamtour
If you’ve planned a trip to Malaysia and Singapore this year, why not combine both countries in one trip? Check out the details of 5 days 4 nights itinerary to...
2701 Views / 26/10/2021 / vietnamtour
After I released several photographs of the cityscape of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, many of you inquired where I took them. So now I'll present and assess the hotel where I...
3216 Views / 26/10/2021 / vietnamtour
Despite the fact that it has been a long time, my impressions of Langkawi remain indelible. I recall once riding a motorcycle to get away from the rain, then remembering...
2484 Views / 26/10/2021 / vietnamtour
This Perhentian Islands trip was supposed to last four days, but I spent practically all of Day 1 and Day 4 traveling. On the morning of Day 4, I prepared...
2285 Views / 22/10/2021 / vietnamtour
Yangon, Myanmar's former capital, is shockingly lacking of significant tourism features, with the exception of the majestic Shwedagon Pagoda. What the city lacks in apparent areas of interest, it more...
2705 Views / 22/10/2021 / vietnamtour
Despite the fact that tourism has not yet fully grown, many visitors enjoy Bagan due to its unbiased, open-hearted indigenous inhabitants and the space rich in tradition. Photo by Thang...
3057 Views / 22/10/2021 / vietnamtour
Wandering about the city center of Yangon, Myanmar (Burmar), travelers will have the opportunity to sample exquisite Myanmar street foods such as Nangyi thoke, Kauknyintok, Koh PUO, and Mont Bein......
2637 Views / 22/10/2021 / vietnamtour
Tourists in Myanmar (Burma) have been barred from climbing the Bagan pagodas due to 'disgraceful' behavior. Following allegations of inappropriate behavior, visitors to the ancient site of Bagan in Burma...
3426 Views / 22/10/2021 / vietnamtour
The influx of tourists to Burma is quickly becoming a deluge. But there is plenty we can do to ensure that tourism benefits, rather than harms, this holy site. Myanmar,...