Tasting Chinese Tea Eggs — The delicious traditional dish, subtle & distinct flavor of Chinese cuisine
Please attempt to broaden your palate on early summer days by snacking on Chinese tea eggs, a wonderful meal with a particular flavor.
Tea eggs are typically served with light meals in China, or with a bowl of rice or porridge. Pat Tanumihardja, an author of The Asian Grandmothers Cookbook and blogger Pickles and Tea, lavishes praise on these marbled tea eggs. He is afraid to eat them since they are so lovely and fragrant. These tasty tea eggs are a common, inexpensive snack sold on the street or in convenience stores in Shanghai. Notably, tea eggs may be consumed all year.

Cooking tea eggs usually consists of two processes. The eggs are first cooked. They are hard boiled and gently cracked before being steeped and cooked in a particularly fragrant combination of tea, herbs, and spices. When you peel these eggs after a few hours, their beauty will astound you. They resemble marbles and have a delicious taste. The tea eggs will have a mild or strong flavor depending on how long you boil and braise them. Their hues range as well, ranging from light to dark brown.

Another intriguing aspect of tea eggs is that they may be flavored with a variety of teas and herbs, including Lipton tea. However, for the finest scent, Shanghai Oolong tea is the ideal choice for tea eggs. You may notice variations in the color and flavor of the eggs every time you eat tea eggs. They are occasionally scarlet or pink, and occasionally white. They might be either soft or hard.

The materials (tea and egg) and method of breaking the eggs are the key to making good tea eggs.
Tea is, by definition, highly significant. The most essential stages are selecting tea and soaking eggs in tea. Tea and eggs must be simmered for a long enough period of time so that the eggs are fragrant but not overpoweringly so.
To make eggs soft and tasty is not simple. First, take the eggs out of the fridge for several hours. Bring the water to a boil, then add the eggs to the saucepan quickly and carefully using a large ladle. Simmer for 7 minutes, then remove from heat. Remove the eggs and place them in a saucepan of cold water to chill until they are safe to handle.
Prepare the tea mix as you wait for the eggs. Bring the tea to a boil, then reduce to a low heat and simmer for approximately 10 minutes to allow it to become fragrant. To cool, turn off the heat and remove the cover.
When the eggs are cold enough to handle, lightly tap them all around with a metal spoon. Make little gaps all over the shell, like a cobweb, to allow the tea to permeate the eggs.
Finally, after soaking the eggs in tea for around 24 hours (in the fridge), you may enjoy this unique delicacy. If you want a stronger flavor, marinate the eggs in tea for 3 to 4 days to get a fresh flavor.