Lou Wong Ipoh — The best chicken rice in Ipoh town, Malaysia

In Ipoh, Malaysia, the 61-year-old eatery solely offers chicken rice and fried bean sprouts. Lou Wong Restaurant is one of the most famous tourist destinations in the middle of Ipoh’s old town. It has to be the most well-known restaurant in Ipoh, bar none.

lou wong ipoh lou wong lou wong chicken rice
When the sun goes down, the street is blocked to traffic, and restaurants in the vicinity set out tables on the road for visitors to enjoy open-air eating.The Lou Wong Restaurant is located in the heart of Ipoh’s old town, one of the cities in the Malaysian state of Perak, 200 kilometers from Kuala Lumpur. The proprietor is a Chinese guy who resides in Malaysia. He established his company in 1957. Originally, the restaurant was only a tiny rice store on the side of the road. After a lengthy period of operation, the restaurant became well-known and has a large area for servicing customers.

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The Crowd @ Lou Wong Bean Sprout Chicken
The Crowd at Lou Wong Bean Sprout Chicken
“Beansprout Chicken” is one of the iconic traditional authentic eatery since more than half decade in Ipoh, Perak.
“Beansprout Chicken” is one of the iconic traditional authentic eatery since more than half decade in Ipoh, Perak. In this photo are two generation of Lou Wong, the father owner and his childs.

In this photo are two generation of Lou Wong, the father owner and his childs.The Chef is preparing dishes in the kitchen filled with many kitchen tools. The restaurant with 2 floors, guests want to sit in the air conditioned room will have to up. The kitchen is downstairs.

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The Chef is making the chicken dish

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The signature dish at this restaurant is boiled chicken served with fried rice. The chicken served here is normal chicken, fat, meat firm.

chicken boil
chicken boil basket

chicken boil

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The feature dish at here is chicken boil serves with surf rice fried

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Chicken is boiled soft but not broken, spices are soaked, and make you mouthwatering.

Chicken is boiled soft but not broken, spices are soaked, and make you mouthwatering.

According to the chef’s share, rice cooked rice is the delicious rice of the local. The rice after cooking will be surf fried, with low oil so there is no feeling fat when eating.

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Another dish that has been on the menu since the first day is the bean sprouts fried. The dish is simple but requires seasoning to follow the order to make the standard taste. Due to good soil conditions, the bean sprouts are fat and crispy.

Crunchy Bean Sprouts.


 Lou Wong Bean Sprout Chicken & Hor Fun
Lou Wong Bean Sprout Chicken & Hor Fun

Diners to the restaurant after enjoying the two main dishes above can order more meatballs beef soup. Meat is made into balls and tender, good smelling beef flavor but do not have too much powder. This soup is also featured in the culinary culture of the Chinese that the restaurant served nearly ten years.

Meatballs Soup 猪肉丸
Meatballs Soup 猪肉丸

Meatballs Soup 猪肉丸

In the menu of beverages, diners can ask for the tea of Adenosma glutinosum, tea of Siraitia grosvenorii and iced green tea … The price of meal here ranges from RM19 per person (about $6).

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Adenosma glutinosum tea

Visitors to the restaurant are mostly tourists, are large groups or small groups. The restaurant does not accept pre-orders and only serves on-site. Lan Ly (visitor come from Saigon, Vietnam) for the first time to Ipoh said: “The taste is not different from the dishes of the Chinese that I ever eated before. The restaurant has spacious and airy space. Fast service staff”.

Mostly diners are tourists

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The staff at the restaurant has more than a dozen people, swift and enthusiastic. In the picture is Thanh Dao, the Vietnamese have been working here for more than four years. “Traveling to Ipoh, visitors have many options for meals but chicken rice served with bean sprouts is a must try”, Dao said.

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Thanh Dao staff

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Lou Wong Ipoh

Address: 49, Jalan Yau Tet Shin, Taman Jubilee, 30000 Ipoh, Negeri Perak, Malaysia
Opening Hours: 10 a.m. — 10 p.m.
Price: about $6 per meal
Phone: +60 5-254 4199
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pg/RestoranLouWong

See more Lou Wong Ipoh photos

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lou wong ipoh lou wong lou wong chicken rice perak malaysia (1)

lou wong ipoh lou wong lou wong chicken rice perak malaysia (1)

lou wong ipoh lou wong lou wong chicken rice perak malaysia (1)

lou wong ipoh lou wong lou wong chicken rice perak malaysia (1)

lou wong ipoh lou wong lou wong chicken rice perak malaysia (1)

lou wong ipoh lou wong lou wong chicken rice perak malaysia (1)

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