Hoa Lan Stream

Hoa Lan Suoi Tourist Area

Hoa Lan Stream

Thanks to the advantages of topography, Hoa Lan Stream Resort attracts many tourists annually, especially the young people and foreign tourists. As an ecotourism area, the first thing when coming here is the feeling of being immersed in nature along with the fresh air of the forest and the waterfall here.

Hoa Lan Suoi Tourist Area

Hoa Lan Stream

The resort’s name is named after the stream that flows through. The stream is like a silk thread connecting Hon Heo peninsula with Nha Phu lagoon. This place grew a lot of beautiful colorful forest orchids with many orchid varieties. Among them, there are precious orchids only available on this peninsula such as: Nghinh Xuân, etc.

Hoa Lan Suoi Tourist Area

After flowing through the rapids, the stream flows into Nha Phu lagoon. It is like a stream of milk that feeds the life on the peninsula. Connecting the peninsula and Nha Phu lagoon is a flat land with 20 hectares wide. The land is not very large.

Hoa Lan Suoi Tourist Area

Hoa Lan Stream is not only a place with beautiful natural scenery but also a place to keep traces of the Cham people from ancient times. According to research and findings of recent archeology team, on the rocks at the foot of the stream, there is a line of Pham written. According to research and evaluation by the delegation, this may be the oldest Pham inscription in Vietnam.

Hoa Lan Suoi Tourist Area

Hoa Lan Stream