15+ most amazing sculptures around the world

With a one-of-a-kind design mixed with elements like lighting, fountains, and so on, visitors are able to appreciate and admire these masterpieces.

1. Expansion statue

Expansion statue-newyork-best-statue-in the world

Paige Bradley’s Expansion statue is located in New York (USA), and it is accompanied with lighting effects and design to make an impression on onlookers.

2. Dancing fairy statue

Dancing fairy statue-best-sculpture-in the world

This dancing fairy statue with dandelion flower is part of the Robin Wight statue population at Trentham Gardens, England.

3. Colossus statue

Colossus statue-half-people and moutain-italy

The Colossus statue represents a half-god, half-mountain figure. It was built in the 16th century in Florence, Italy, by the great sculptor Giambologna.

4. Horse’s statue

Horse statue-the Most Creative Sculptures - Around The World

Robert Glen’s dynamic horse statue is paired with one-of-a-kind fountains that create the illusion that they are moving. In recent years, it has drawn a large number of tourists to Las Colinas, Texas, and the United States.

5. Two children statue

two children-statue-best sculpture-Alexander Milov-around the world

The topic “Love” is reflected by the image of two children trapped in adult bodies by Alexander Milov.

6. The power of nature statue

The power of nature statue-Lorenzo Quinn -best sculptures in the world

The work of an Italian sculptor – Lorenzo Quinn – reminds people that they live under the authority of nature, and that nature can be angry at any time.

7. The statue of dark ghost shadow

Dark ghost shadow statue-Klaipeda-most creative sculpture-around the world1

If you see this statue in Klaipeda (Lithuania) in the dark, visitors will be scared much.

8. The desire for freedom statue

The desire for freedom statue-Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA-best sculpture in the world1

Zenos Frudakis’ art reflects a longing for independence and an escape from restraint. This one-of-a-kind statue may be seen in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA.

9. The hand statue

The hand statue-Glarus, Switzerland-best statue around the world1

This statue is like a hand cradling trees in Glarus, Switzerland.

10. Mihai Eminescu statue

Mihai Eminescu statue-Onesti-most sculpture in the world12

Mihai Eminescu works in Onesti (Romania) stimulates the viewer’s imagination

11. The statue of Jean-michel Folon

The statue of Jean-michel Folon -sculpture and fountain -best sculpture in the world

The combination between the sculpture and fountain makes the work that is located in Italy of Jean-michel Folon more impressive depth.

12. The giant statue

The giant statue-Budapest, Hungary-most creative sculpture around the world

Ervin Loranth Hervé created a unique statue describes a giant emerged from the underground in Budapest, Hungary.

13. Viccisitudes statues population

Viccisitudes statues population-Grenada, West Indies-most sculptures in the world

Viccisitudes population of Decaires Jason Taylor is placed under the ocean in Grenada, West Indies.

14. Raindrop statue

Raindrop statue-Nazar Bilyk Raindrop - Ukraine -most creative sculpture around the world

The statue of Nazar Bilyk Raindrop in Ukraine makes an impresss especially with viewers

15. Staircase statue

Staircase statue-Bondi, Australia-best creative sculpture in the world