10 most beautiful places in Italy to visit

Few places in the world can boast such a rich collection of art, architecture, music, and food–or such a diverse variety of natural beauty, from rugged mountains to green hills to breathtaking beaches. There is no definitive ranking of “bests” or “tops” from among the hundreds of options. So think of this as a list rather than a list. These are the top ten most beautiful sites to visit in Italy.

1. Positano, Campania

Positano is arguably one of Italy’s most lust-worthy coastal villages, thanks to its famed Le Sirenuse hotel and ideal location on the Amalfi Coast.


2. Chianti Country


Yes, it is home to some of Italy’s most renowned reds, but it is also one of the greatest places in the country for an afternoon drive: through winding, cyprus-lined lanes, across rolling green hills and yellow sunflower fields. It’s our favorite part of Tuscany.

3.Villa Rufolo, Ravello


This 13th-century house in Ravello, Italy is a must-see for its breathtaking views of the Amalfi Coast, a garden that is always in bloom, and a musical heritage (Wagner’s stay here in the 1800s inspired an outdoor concert series that takes place every summer).

4. St. Peter’s Basilica at night, Rome


Skip the throng at the Vatican during the day and come after hours to see this wonder of Renaissance architecture–when it’s all lighted up, it truly appears god sent.

5. Fonte Gaia, Siena


This impressive fountain is one of the best in the Tuscan town, and it’s easy to find–in it’s the center of Piazza del Campo, Siena’s main square and the site of the famous horse race, il Palio. Siena is brimming with architecture-as-art, giving it the UNESCO distinction of “embodiment of a medieval city.”

6. Manarola, Cinque Terre


During the 2011 mudslides, these five beach towns–the UNESCO World Heritage “Cinque Terre”–were severely damaged. The Italian spirit, however, is alive and well along this charming 10-mile stretch of coastline–the villages have recovered, the walking path connecting them has been restored, and the hunt for the best spaghetti alle vongole enjoyed al fresco has resumed.

7. Venice at dusk


Early evening is our favorite time to admire this architectural marvel–the light reflecting off the water produces a radiance that, when combined with the echo of the continually lapping waves, transforms Venice into something wonderful.

8. Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II, Milan


Wonderful clothes, great architecture, great cuisine, and some of the finest people-watching on the planet–nearly it’s difficult to disagree with Milan’s overall attractiveness. Even its retail complexes, like as Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II (above), are opulent.

9. Capri


Capri is Italy’s most attractive island by reputation–more it’s theatrical than drop-dead lovely, like a Fellini heroine who matures gracefully. It’s nearly sensory overload, from the renowned Faraglioni rocks situated in the blue Mediterranean to the fragrance of the island’s numerous flowers.

10. Burano Island, Venice


A trip through the cobblestoned alleys of this little island off the coast of Venice, famed for producing some of the world’s most beautiful lace, is like stepping into a candy-colored fairy tale (with really great espresso).
