Tra Su Melaleuca Forest

The Southern region is not only famous for its poetic and peaceful landscape, fruitful gardens and decent people. There are also famous melaleuca forests with immense blue and Tra Su is one of them.

How Tra Su Melaleuca Forest Is Unique?

Tra Su Melaleuca forest is a typical submerged forest in the West of Hau river. Tra Su Melaleuca forest about 850ha wide. This is the habitat of many plants and animals belonging to the system of special-use forests in Vietnam. Called melaleuca forest because most of the plants living here are Melaleuca. Melaleuca is a water-resistant species and suitable for the climate of the Southern region. Melaleuca forests in Tra Su forest are about 5 – 8m tall with an age of about 10 years.

In addition to Melaleuca, there are 140 species of plants, including 22 species of trees, 78 species of medicinal plants, 13 aquatic species … About animals, Tra Su Melaleuca forest is inhabited by over 70 species of birds, including 2 Precious birds are recorded in the red book. Such as Giang Sen (Mycteria leucocephala) and well (Anhinga melanogaster); 11 species of mammals, of which 4 rodents, 15 species of bats (short-eared bats are also listed in the Vietnam Red Book); 25 species of reptiles and frogs, 10 species of fish etc.

Tra Su An Giang Melaleuca forest is an ideal destination for tourists who love ecotourism. This is also an ideal place for researchers, environmentalists to explore wild nature. If you like to visit Tra Su Melaleuca forest, you can find it in the period from July to November. This period is the floating season in An Giang (this time is not fixed, can change each year).

Tourists can explore Tra Su Melaleuca forest by riding a motorbike or bicycle running along the Melaleuca forest or taking a boat, choking. Tra Su Melaleuca forest with romantic natural scenery will surely give visitors relaxing and comfortable moments. In addition to admiring the beauty of the Melaleuca forest. You will have the opportunity to sample delicious delicacies in the western region of Tra Su forest land.

Tra Su Melaleuca forest has been evaluated by many natural environmental research organizations in Vietnam and the world as a special-use ecosystem, a forest to preserve the wetland ecosystem in the Mekong Delta.

Today, it is protected by the local authorities for conservation and visitors can visit and enjoy the beautiful scenery. Tra Su Melaleuca forest is less affected by humans, so it remains the green color of the hyacinths. Visitors who want to visit the melaleuca forest must turn the water, turn these giant plaques to go deep inside. Birds, forest sounds will make visitors feel like they are lost in the fairy world with the forest of hundreds of years ago. Tra Su Melaleuca forest is a destination not to be missed when visitors go to Mekong delta.

Tra Su Melaleuca forest is a large forest area located in Van Giao commune, Tinh Bien district, An Giang province. To visit Tra Su Melaleuca forest, visitors can follow the instructions: From Nha Bang town (in Tinh Bien district), tourists follow the provincial road 948, to Km 6, turn left and follow the small road, about 4 kilometers away, goes to Tra Su Melaleuca forest. Tourists often want to go deep into Tra Su forest to visit the village to rent canoes and boats. An Giang is a tourist destination in the West that many tourists prefer, in which many foreign tourists traveling to Vietnam often come.

You can go to Tra Su forest from both Long Xuyen and Chau Doc, but go from Chau Doc more convenient. From the Western bus station, there are many buses departing to Chau Doc every day, including night cars. That you can go to Chau Doc the next morning, start a day of sightseeing.
From Chau Doc to Tra Su, the most convenient is renting motorbikes at the hotel. Car rental price is about 150-200 thousand VND / day, depending on negotiation. You drive in the direction of Tri Ton, then go to Bung Tien bridge, turn left and go about 3.5 – 4km to the Melaleuca forest.

When Is The Best Time To Visit Tra Su

The best time to go to Tra Su is in October, November and December when there are many types of birds living, staying, you avoid playing, causing noisy, affecting the lives of animals here.
In Chau Doc, there is also the famous Lady of the Temple, the beauty of Mount Sam, when you come here, you should visit these sights before returning.