Photographs of Cuba street life taken with an iPhone lens

The hand-rolled cigars, crumbling pastel facades, and obligatory Cadillacs on every corner have earned Cuba a reputation for being photogenic.

But those who believe you need a high-powered telephoto lens and a brand-new Canon 6D to get the most out of the country should reconsider. We sent Intrepid’s Mikey Sadowski (aka The Man With The Golden Lens) to the sun-drenched island of Cuba, and he returned with some truly epic iPhone photos. And, with the country’s doors recently opening to Americans (with a few restrictions), there are now more people than ever who can soak up that iconic disheveled 60s vibe.

Photographic enthusiasts, take a look at these.

Street photography in Cuba through an iPhone lens (1)

Street photography in Cuba through an iPhone lens (1)

Street photography in Cuba through an iPhone lens (1)

Street photography in Cuba through an iPhone lens (1)

Street photography in Cuba through an iPhone lens (1)

Street photography in Cuba through an iPhone lens (1)

Street photography in Cuba through an iPhone lens (1)

Street photography in Cuba through an iPhone lens (1)

Street photography in Cuba through an iPhone lens (1)

Street photography in Cuba through an iPhone lens (1)

Street photography in Cuba through an iPhone lens (1)

Street photography in Cuba through an iPhone lens (1)