One of the best places to visit in Vung Tau, Vietnam is the Worldwide Arms Museum.

If you are planning trip to Vung Tau, you should not miss the chance to admire antique weapons or antique uniforms dating from the 16th, 17th, 18th centuries…at Robert Taylor Worldwide Arms Museum.

Surprisingly, there is a unique site in Vung Tau that will pique the interest of both residents and tourists: the antique weapons museum – Robert Taylor Worldwide Arms Museum. The museum is set on the grounds of historic French houses, not far from Bai Truoc (Front Beach). The Antique Weapons Museum, located at 98 Tran Hung Dao street, has the old aspect of a French house and displays about 2,500 antique weapon objects from across the world, including firearms, swords, crossbows, military costumes of countries from the 17th, 18th, 19th, and 20th centuries… There are around 1,500 handguns and rifles dating from 200-300 years old from England, Germany, France, America, Italy, and the Netherlands among these. A British man called Robert Taylor spent 50 years collecting the relics. With a passion for antiques, he created the museum and made it widely known to the public.

Exploring the museum transports you to the thriving historical periods of ancient history, medieval history, and contemporary history. From the entrance gate into the first zone – the ancient region – you will be surrounded by weapons from the Roman Empire, Genghis Khan, or Samurai such as swords, spears,… In addition to the armor suits, iron armor, and helmet…

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The armor sets are designed very sophisticated, flexible in movement and help protect soldiers in battles.
Weapons and military uniforms of Shogun – Japa (left corner)
Weapons and military uniforms of Shogun – Japa (left corner)

Follow the stairs to the upper deck, you will be bring back to time of the king flashy, the talented politician of France — Napoleon Bonaparte. The Middle Ages recreated the wars in Europe through the uniforms of royal army, chevaliers, charismatic characteristic of each country, such as France, Russia, the Netherlands, Bulgaria, Germany … and the advanced weapons at that time, it was gun.

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Most of the military outfits in European countries are always felt fabric, all very colorful.


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The narrator will present nations’ military uniforms, assisting viewers in distinguishing and ranking the costumes, usage of gun parts such as pears, bullets,… and how the army employed those guns.Continuing with the Medieval theme, behind the main hall of the museum, you will be able to examine military uniforms mostly for festivals and parades, as well as hunting rifles ranging from one capsule to six tablets and assassination guns for ladies.
British outfits casual wear skirts, leather pouches in front, and scepter show who led the parade. The reason for the military colorful parade costumes is by attracting young people to join the army, a method of recruiting troops full of fun.

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Finally, the modern area exhibits the Australian military outfits from air, infantry, seagoing ships, and advanced weapons during World War II.

In the weapons museum there are many guns owned by the aristocracy, the famous general. Many of them fine carvings, beautifully. In the photo is an Africa rifle, 19th century.
A gun is often used by ” American Western Cowboys” to challenge against each other. “To get old guns like this, Robert Taylor has traveled to many countries to buy back, the older guns, the higher price”, museum tour guide said.
In addition to the large number of guns, the museum also have many places exhibits spears, crossbow, sword … hundreds of years ago.


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The sapper axe of Switzerland in 1805. “I hope the collection will bring great interests to visitors and create a tourist attraction for my second homeland in Vung Tau. The museum will help people understand more historical, national culture and the development of the world, ” Robert Taylor said.
The modern guns used in World War II of the 20th century. These are the original guns that Robert Taylor collected and stored carefully.
The fire brigade and trigger fire spray gun of the 19th century made by Vietnamese.
The handheld cannon of the northern of Vietnam in the 14th century.


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Robert Taylor – The owner of the Worldwide Arms Museum

Visiting the Robert Taylor Antique Weapons Museum, you will not only see the weapons of the ages, but you will also learn more about the historical periods full of lively, appealing through “narratives” of the outfits. Therefore, if you traveling to Vung Tau do not miss this place.

The narrator will introduce the military outfits of countries, help visitors distinguish and rank of the costumes, uses of parts on the gun such as pears, bullets, … and how the army used those guns.

Futher information

Address: 98 Tran Hung Dao Street, Ward 1, Vung Tau City, Vietnam
Phonei: Mobile: 0908.367.566 | Home: 0643.818.369
Opening hours: 8:00 – 17:00
Tickets price: 50.000 VND for Vietnamese, 100.000 VND for foreign visitors and 25.000 VND for child 6 – 11 ages.
Facebook: tau