Motorbike tour to Tam Dao

Only about 80km from Hanoi. With a pristine nature and a clear climate, it is very suitable for a weekend trip. Focus Asia Travel shares with you the experience of the motorbike tour to Tam Dao 2021.

Things to prepare before going to Tam Dao

You should prepare a few necessary items as follows:

  • Fill your tank with fuel (if possible, bring a spare one).
  • Before going to go to change engine oil, check sprockets, coolant … in general, check the entire vehicle.
  • A basic car repair kit: Such as pump, glue, spare tubes …
  • Clothing and personal belongings: Because the weather here is quite cold in the early morning and at night, you should remember to wear long sleeves, or windbreakers to keep warm and avoid getting wet by mist.

Best time to go to Tam Dao during the day

Because it is only about 80km from Hanoi, it takes you about 3 hours to be here. You might consider going from the night before or early in the morning. However, you should note a few features of the road to Tam Dao as follows:

+ The road has about 13km of small and steep roads.

+ Roads with few lights, no horns.

+ The road is always covered in fog in the early morning.

So to ensure safety, the best time to get to Tam Dao is after when the fog gradually dissipates on the mountain road so as not to endanger your movement.

Directions from Hanoi to Tam Dao by motorbike

From Hanoi to Tam Dao, you follow the following route:

+ You depart from the inner city to Pham Van Dong street and cross Thang Long bridge. You should also note that only go downstairs of the bridge because the upper floor is the only road for cars, this is also the place where traffic police stand to catch the turn signal, so remember to comply.

+ Cross the bridge, go straight to Noi Bai expressway, to the ticket station about 2km from the airport, then turn left to go to Highway 2 (direction to Vinh Yen city)

+ When you reach Huong Canh, you turn right through Huong Son-Gia Khanh to enter Quang Ha territory, from there you turn right to Highway 2B.

+ From Highway 2B, travel about 20km to the center of  Tam Dao tourist town.

Do not miss this attractive tourist destination!