Lotus Pond Beautiful As West Lake In Saigon

In the lotus season, lotus pond puts on new shimmering and brilliant clothes. The lotus blossoms adorn the scenery, make it more romantic and beautiful as a fairy tale. Coming to the lotus pond where you can watch the beautiful pink lotus, inhale the fragrant lotus aroma and enjoy the idyllic moment, make your heart be filled with emotions difficult to describe will be one of the memorable experience of those who have a chance to take a Sai Gon City Tour in Tam Da lotus pond.

Where is Tam Da lotus pond?

Tam Da lotus pond is more than 20 km from the center of Sai Gon, on the road of the same name, in district No.9. You can go to the lotus pond following the way toward BCR resort. From this resort, you continue going more than 800 meters, you will see the immense lotus pond. Tam Da lotus seems to be the green lung of the city. It is not only poetic, lyrical scenery but also a peaceful and idyllic place that anyone who set foot has themselves feelings hard to describe.

The lotus blooms in the idyllic and rustic setting of the lagoon, yet it retains its own elegance, purity, and sweetness. Lotus shows its beauty on the green leafy background, each flower charming like a young girl, beautiful and bright and full of fresh energy. If having a chance to go to the lotus pond in the blooming days, it seems that everyone would not like to step out and forget about the way back.

Lotus flower is most beautiful on the summer days. The whole lotus pond blooms beautifully, touching the heart of people who come here. Tam Da lotus pond looks like the miniature Dong Thap Muoi, so beautiful that any tourists on Vietnam package Tours are surprised. Immersing yourself in the space here, watching the rosy lotus blooms, you will feel your heart calm, and there is no longer any worry. It also seems to help you be “refueled” with new energy and creative inspiration.

Not only on the summer days, it seems that at any time to Tam Da lotus pond, you can also admire the shimmering lotus blossom. In the middle of a “leafy green forest”, suddenly there is a beautiful lotus flower, a bright lotus that will make your feeling burst like a child who has just received a dreaming gift.

At every moment, it seems that the flower also possesses wonderful beauty, is still always brilliant and pure. However, perhaps the early morning is the moment when the flower is the most beautiful. Then visitors on Tours in Vietnam can immerse yourself in the fresh air and enjoy the beautiful pictures of lotus flowers. The dew drops on the leaves, the lotus leaf fluttering in the wind or the flower brighten under the golden sunshine will be beautiful photos that you would be delighted to “hunt” it!

Tam Da lotus is not only the ideal spot for pink lovers but also amazing destination photographers who enjoy taking pictures of nature and attraction for young people to enjoy the moment of relaxation in the lotus blossom season. Moreover, if you want to temporarily “escape the bustling city”, want to put aside worries in urban areas full of chaos, come to Tam Da lotus pond!

Although Saigon is very crowded, somewhere there is always these rustic and peaceful space like this. In Tam Da lotus pond, you will find a very different Saigon, a beautiful corner of the prosperous city. On the days when beautiful lotus blooms, you can come to enjoy the beauty of that delicate flower, to be harmonious with nature and enjoy the gentle moment!