Fengjia Night Market food blog — What to eat at Fengjia Night Market & Top 9 Fengjia Night Market must eat
If you are a foodie, you must be familiar with Taiwan’s diverse food paradise, particularly the Fengjjia Night Market (Feng Chia Night Market), which is one of the most famous night markets on this beautiful island. Diverse items are sold alongside bustling activities, with a long and deep road leading to every corner of the market for tourists to freely choose and explore the unique foods available only at Fengjjia Night Market. The market is always filled with the aroma of delicious food sold throughout the street, and good chefs from all over the country congregate here. Have you listened long enough to be curious about the appeal of the foods at Feng Chia Night Market? So, what should you eat at Fengjia Night Market and what should you eat at Fengjia Night Market? Check out our Fengjia Night Market food blog to find out how to get to this vibrant night market, opening hours, and especially the top 9 foods you must try at this vibrant night market.

How to get to Fengjia Night Market (Feng Chia night market taichung)?

- Address: NO.440, Fuxing Rd, Xitun District, Taichung city, Taiwan (Location: Surrounds the Feng Chia University, Xitun District, Taichung City)
- Opening hours: 4 pm – 2 am

There are two ways to getting to Fengjia Night Market
Taxi: You can catch a taxi on every street in Taichung City and request to go to Feng Chia night market. Rest assured because Feng Chia market is extremely popular, no Taiwanese do not know it, so don’t worry that you will get lost or go around the city.

Bus: Because of the convenience and reasonable price of bus routes, this is many visitors’ first choice when visiting Taichung for the first time. To get to Fengjia Night Market, take bus 35 from the bus stop next to Taichung Station. It will take about 45 minutes to get to the market, but there is no need to rush because the Fengjia night market is open until 2 a.m., and the later you go, the busier the market becomes.

Before visiting this Fengjia market, keep in mind that the Taiwanese love to line up, and they line up very seriously, not topsy-turvy, pushing or jostling. You can easily see everywhere, from luxury restaurants to budget eateries, they can spend a few hours lining up without grumbling or feeling uncomfortable, because they understand “What makes them spend a lot of time waiting for, it to be fully deserved”, so when in Rome, do as the Romans do, let us forge civilized habits of always lining up at public areas.

Some useful tips to know before visiting Fengjia Night Market
Using Taiwan currency (New Taiwan dollar) to shop: You can exchange Vietnamese currency into Taiwan currency (TWD, NT$) in Vietnam before, or exchange US Dollar and bring it to Taiwan to exchange to Taiwanese Dollar, but the exchange rate will be a bit more expensive. And note that in Taiwan you can only exchange NT$ from the US Dollar.

Do not bring too many bulky things: Because the market is always very crowded and bustling, and also very large, bringing a lot of things will make you move very hard to wriggle and explore every corner of the market, not to mention may lose your personal belongings.

Going to the market after 7 pm: This time can be compared to the street just starting lights up, is the time that market becomes more busy and bustling, the night market atmosphere is the most beautiful and brilliant.

Wear the most comfortable clothes: For convenient for traveling a lot, let’s wear comfortable clothes, wear athletic shoes, and bring the light jackets in case the night weather is quite cold.

What to eat at Fengjia night market? Below are top 9 must eat food in Fengjia night market (Feng Chia night market must eat, Fengjia night market must eat, must eat food in Fengjia night market)

Stinky tofu: You have to be jostle to buy it at Fengjia night market

Stinky tofu is a traditional and beloved dish of many generations of Taiwanese people. Stinky tofu has an unusual “smell” that is difficult to resist. After fermenting and deep frying until yellow and crispy, stinky tofu is served with special spicy sauces to create a smell fatty taste that stimulates taste. It is without a doubt one of the must-eat foods in Fengjia night market. At 120 TWD ($3.86) for a fairly large portion, you will be disappointed if you visit Fengjia market without trying stinky tofu.