26 travel tips and tricks of all time, from A to Z!
Lonely Planet authors spend weeks traveling the world in search of the most memorable and fascinating locations. However, our professions aren’t all about mai tais and beachside sunsets. Consider the case of misplaced baggage. Tires that have gone flat. Poisoning from food. Strange men on buses. I’ve been there. That has been completed. But our blunders aren’t in vain; we make mistakes so you don’t have to.
We’ve compiled a list of 26 tried-and-true travel recommendations for you. ‘It’s a hazardous thing, Frodo, walking out your door,’ as Bilbo Baggins memorably cautioned; follow this A to Z of ageless travel wisdom to reduce the mayhem to a minimum.

The letter A stands for… Attempt to get a seat at the bar. If you can’t get a table at a fancy restaurant for supper, sit at the bar instead. The whole menu is frequently accessed, and the cuisine is equally delicious from a bar stool. Local information can also be obtained from bartenders and barflies.
B stands for… In the American West, be wary of Rocky Mountain Oysters. These delicacies, sometimes known as fried bull testicles, aren’t from the sea. The same is true for unknowns on other people’s menus throughout the world… If you’re unsure, ask – or prepare your stomach for a gastronomic experience.

The letter C stands for… Before you go, double-check the hours of operation. On Mondays, many restaurants and small museums in Europe and the United States are closed. Don’t ruin your plans because you didn’t double-check!
D stands for… Lonely Planet Guides are available for download. This useful city guide app offers a plethora of useful information, expert guidance, and simple offline maps in the palm of your hand.

The letter E stands for… Things are certain to go wrong. Even the best-planned excursions can be derailed by traffic congestion, poor weather, road closures, and other factors. Have a backup plan in place, and remember that misadventures make for the finest stories.
The letter F stands for… Filter your drinking water. Pack a Sawyer small water filter if you’re going on a wilderness trip with questionable water sources (sawyer.com). The filter is inexpensive, light, and compact, and it attaches to most water pouches and bottles. It also eliminates dangerous germs and protozoa such as E. coli and giardia. Unlike iodine pills, the filter takes effect instantly and has no effect on flavor.

G stands for… Spend an afternoon by yourself. Are you traveling with your boo? If your hobbies differ or if you’re stressing each other out, split up. You’ll love the alone time and have interesting stories to tell over dinner.
The letter H stands for… You must heal yourself. Pack an antibiotic ointment, antihistamines (for hay fever and allergic reactions), aspirin, plasters, blister pads, ibuprofen, and sunscreen in a basic medical kit.
I stand for… insurance. In terms of health, ensure that you have coverage for medical emergencies and treatment. Confirm that your destination is covered by the policy. Consider coverage for lost or stolen bags as well as trip cancellation.

The letter K stands for… During day-long travels, have a portable battery charger and cable in your daypack. If you use your phone as your primary camera, you will soon deplete the battery. Some chargers can function as tiny torches.
The letter L stands for… Wear many layers of clothes. Wearing thick jackets and bulky sweaters is not recommended unless you are traveling to a really chilly region. Both take up an inordinate amount of space in your suitcase. Layer with lighter jackets and shirts as required.

M stands for… Before embarking on a solo journey, contact a buddy. Yes, you may want to get away from the world, but if you’re going to explore the wilderness by yourself, let someone know where you’re going.
N stands for… When booking a reservation via phone or in person, negotiate the rate given by the hotel. Simply inquiring if there are any reductions available will frequently result in reduced pricing.
The letter O stands for… On a ghost tour, have an open mind. If you find yourself in a charming tiny town with a ghost tour, take advantage of it. It’s a wonderful way to learn about a community’s history and the oddest personalities. Exercise, learning the layout of a city, and a good shock is all possible side effects.

P stands for… Park your automobile somewhere else. Hotel parking costs in major cities may be as much as 20% of the hotel’s rate. Overnight prices in parking facilities near your hotel are frequently lower.
Q stands for… Stop cramming your schedule. Feeling tense because you’re running late on a busy day of sightseeing? Skip the final stop and focus on what’s in front of you.
R stands for… When packing your clothing, roll them up. Rolling shirts, skirts, pants, and other casual items save room and eliminates creases in your luggage.

The letter S stands for… If you intend on visiting multiple national parks in the United States, consider purchasing an America the Beautiful Pass. Purchase an annual pass for $80 (or a senior pass for $10) to gain access to most federal parks and recreation areas.
T stands for… Tie a bandana around the exterior of your luggage or backpack to identify it from other suitcases or backpacks at baggage claim.
U stands for… Recognize local customs. Before you go, brush up on your local manners. Clothing, photos, and gestures may all throw you off!
V stands for… Before you plan your trip, check the passport and visa requirements. Some nations require you to travel at least six months before your passport expires.

The letter W stands for… Keep a notebook where you may jot down your thoughts. Make a list of the highlights of your trip… People you met who were unusual, and places you visited that were memorable. It’s astonishing how much you’ll forget even after a few days.
X stands for… Make a copy of your passport and travel insurance paperwork. Separate the photocopies from the originals in a separate bag. As an added precaution, email scanned copies of these papers to yourself and save them offline – you may print them from anywhere.
The letter Y stands for… Certificate for Yellow Fever This deadly mosquito-borne illness can be found in Africa and South America. Almost all impacted nations demand confirmation of vaccination before allowing visitors to enter, so seek medical advice before traveling.
Z stands for… Put it in a transparent plastic bag and zip it up. Toiletries, power cables, and undergarments should all be kept in separate bags. It makes it simpler to find stuff quickly.