18+ gorgeous photos of Chefchaouen village make your heart race

Chefchaouen is a tiny town in Morocco’s northwestern region. This remarkable location may fairly be referred to as a ‘blue dream,’ because the old section of it is packed with buildings painted in all colors of blue, ranging from baby blue to aquamarine.

This unique color was adopted by Jewish immigrants who thought that looking at anything blue made you think of paradise and God. The custom caught on and became a defining element of the town’s historic district.

Pictures of chefchaouen morocco

© Claude Renault


Pictures of chefchaouen morocco
© Mario Tome


Pictures of chefchaouen morocco
© halifaxlight
Pictures of chefchaouen morocco
© Andy Mumford


Pictures of chefchaouen morocco
© Brian Hammonds
Pictures of chefchaouen morocco
© Alexander Dragunov


Pictures of chefchaouen morocco
© Sorin Rechitan


Pictures of chefchaouen morocco
© Claude Renault
Pictures of chefchaouen morocco
© Claude Renault


Pictures of chefchaouen morocco
Broocee Oz


Pictures of chefchaouen morocco
© Michael Badt


Pictures of chefchaouen morocco


Pictures of chefchaouen morocco
© Olga Osipova
Pictures of chefchaouen morocco
© Michael Sheridan


Chefchaouen, blue city and must-visit in Morocco

The market

Place Outa el Hammam & Kasbah

| morocco 7 days itinerary


Arrived at Chefchaouen, buy food and fruit at the local market.


Pictures of chefchaouen morocco
© Cherry Bharati


Pictures of chefchaouen morocco
© Giorgio Compagnoni


Pictures of chefchaouen morocco
© Beum Photography


© Sabino Parente
© Sabino Parente

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