14+ journey-worthy photos of Vietnamese daily life

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Produce is bought and sold from all around Vietnam in the Mekong Delta.

Vietnam, less than forty years after the savagery and slaughter of war, is brimming with optimism. Todd Weselake, a travel photographer, focuses on what life is like today in this resilient country—a land of breathtaking natural beauty with a distinct heritage—in a series of images.

Text & photos by Todd Weselake

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Vong Canh hill & Perfume River (Huong River), Hue, Vietnam

Vietnam greeted me with a flurry of beautiful smiles, exotic flavors, and exhilarating scooter rides. Rising from the devastation of the Vietnam War, the Vietnamese people have embraced tourism with grace and resilience to become one of the world’s fastest-growing emerging economies.

From the early morning food markets to the meals prepared by our homestay hosts, Vietnam provided the best food of any of the 30 countries I’ve visited. I was drawn in by some of the freshest, tastiest, and most unusual ingredients I’d ever tasted. My ten days there were jam-packed with authentic adventures and encounters with an enthralling and colorful culture.

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The rice and corn fields surrounding our local homestay offer a true sense of what living here in remote Vietnam is like.
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The local family at our homestay prepares a meal for us!
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Produce is bought and sold from all around Vietnam in the Mekong Delta.
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Making an art out of pineapple preparation.
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Life along the Mekong River.
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Downtown Saigon can get pretty busy.


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Early morning food markets can be found all around Vietnam.
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The scooter commute.


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The 3rd class section of the overnight train.


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A monk prays in silence.


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One can only imagine what these two have seen during their lifetime.


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Street side markets, offering whatever you want, real or fake. Hoi An
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Locals, from kids to adults, are always up for a conversation.


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Halong Bay.


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Often times, people will do their shopping after the sun sets to avoid the heat in the dry season