14+ breathtaking images that showcase Alaska’s natural beauty

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If you enjoy beautiful landscapes, massive mountains, wildlife, or anything related to nature, Alaska is a must-see destination. Alaska, the largest state in the United States, is home to 17 of the country’s 20 tallest mountains.

Nitish Kumar Meena, an artist, traveled north over Memorial Day weekend to see Alaska for himself. “One can experience everything in Alaska,” he said of his trip to Business Insider.

He returned with some truly breathtaking photographs that capture the endless natural beauty that Alaska has to offer.

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Meena spent five days in Alaska over Memorial Day weekend this year. He and his friends used Airbnb to find a cabin to stay in while traveling across the state.

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The group traveled to Anchorage, Denali National Park, Fairbanks, Glennallen, Valdez, and back to Anchorage over the course of five days.

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“The most memorable part for me was to experience the transformation in nature,” Meena said.

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“I did kayaking near Columbia Glacier with moving icebergs, which were breaking off constantly, and it made me realize that global warming is real,” he said.

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Glaciers cover approximately 29,000 square miles of Alaska, accounting for 5% of the state.

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Alaska is home to an estimated 100,000 glaciers, ranging from small cirque glaciers to massive valley glaciers.

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Although there are more glaciers than you can imagine, when you visit, you will see more than just beautiful white ice.

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Alaska has a wide range of greenery to enjoy as well.

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Wildlife is abundant in Alaska, and it is not to be missed. The state is home to over 450 different bird species and hundreds of bear viewing areas. Sea lions can be found in the water, and moose can be found on the streets.

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“In those five days, I experienced cool blue to teal ocean, from serenely reflective lakes to impossibly massive mountains, from the Museum of the North to the sea lions in the south,” Meena said.

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Meena claimed that during his five-day trip to Alaska, he saw more mountains than he had seen in his entire life.

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Keep in mind that depending on when you go, it may be sunny all day. It was almost always bright while Meena was there. “Sunset occurs at midnight, and the sky remained yellow until sunrise,” he explained. “There is very little darkness, and it completely compelled me to check my watch more frequently. You can’t tell the time just by looking at the sun.”

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Meena had some excellent advice for anyone planning a trip to Alaska. “Go outside, breathe fresh air, embark on a new adventure, and test your limits,” he advised. “If you’re out there doing what you love, great moments will naturally unfold. Also, whenever you see a gas station, just fill up your tank because the next one is likely to be 300 miles away.”

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