10 reasons why you should travel

Few things in the world are more strong than the bonds we humans form with one another. Connecting through travel, on the other hand, is a very different story.

reasons why you should travel

While travel is unlikely to be a plus-one at your next family wedding, the relationship you form with it is very genuine, honest, and even spiritual. It is, in my opinion, one of the most dependable and strong connections you can form in your life. Travel, like any good partnership, will continue to support you, surprise you, and, most importantly, bring out the best in you. It’ll definitely irritate you a couple times as well.

1. Travel always keeps things interesting

travel, my one true love

A connection with travel means that there is never a boring time. You can always go on to the next experience if you don’t feel tied down to one area or one style of life. The next adventure awaits you everywhere you go, and you may take as much time as you need to get there.

2. Travel will always be there for you

travel, my one true love

Whether you’re yearning for the one who got away or breaking up with a long-term partner, there’s no disputing that saying goodbye to love is difficult. However, when it comes to travel, the dynamic is completely different. You may be as serious or as laid-back as you like. Whether you want to live a nomadic life on the road or spend a couple weeks a year in a new place, travel will be waiting for you with open arms.

3. Travel grows with you

travel, my one true love

We all go through phases in our lives—some more regrettable than others. Rather than telling you, “you’ve changed,” travel loves you in all your shapes, sizes and hairstyles. It is unconditional, understanding, and tirelessly accepting.

4. Travel surprises you

travel, my one true love

Walt Disney said it best: “We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we’re curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths.” Our greatest joys come from life’s little surprises. On our travels, there are new paths waiting at each and every turn.

5. Travel doesn’t disapprove

travel, my one true love

Let the “meet the parents” stage be a thing of the past. Say goodbye to that awkward dinner at which you try to convince your loved ones to see what you see in them. The group drinks where you turn to your best friend and say, “Aren’t they great?” We are drawn to places for reasons beyond our control, reasons we shouldn’t expect any one else to understand. And that’s absolutely okay.

6. Travel keeps you humble

travel, my one true love

It just takes being lost in a faraway location to put things in perspective, no matter how wonderful or horrible the events of your life may appear. Travel, in some ways, will remind you of your insignificant place on the planet while never making you feel small. It strengthens you while also keeping you humble.

7. Travel is the perfect match

travel, my one true love

True love, they say, has no face. We have no control over who we fall in love with, and the same is true for travel. The adventurous may seek thrills in the Andes or Himalayas, while the gourmet may seek refuge in Italy or Spain. We have unrestricted flexibility to seek our ideal partner when we travel. When confronted with an infinite number of wonderful alternatives, there is no room for complacency.

8. Travel connects

travel, my one true love

There are some locations on this planet that have a deep ability to stick with you for the rest of your life. Whether it’s the sunrise over Angkor Wat or the Taj Mahal’s temples, there are some locations that you return to again and again, eliciting the same degree of thrill each time.

9. Travel is honest and authentic

travel, my one true love

Travel is patient and gentle, and it will not hide from you. You might not get to know a destination right away—as with any successful relationship, it takes time and effort before you expose yourselves to each other. But once you do, you know you’ve discovered something genuine and honest: your one true love.

10. Travel lasts forever

travel, my one true love

This love, whether young or old, is really ageless. We may find our youthful hearts running wild for months on end with nothing but our bags at first. As our love grows older, we may seek solace in the canals of Venice or the Galapagos Islands. Regardless, this love is eternal and will be there for you at whatever age.