In June, when the golden scallop season ends, the purple lentil branch gradually fades. It is also the time when the lotus season returns to Hue. The lotus flower is surprisingly pure and simple which dispels the sultry sun of the summer day and holds the feet of many  travelers.

Hue lotus season

Lotus has a bright, lofty and rustic beauty. Inside is the indomitable, resilient time and creation of heaven and earth. That is why the lotus has come into everyday life as a symbol of Vietnamese people.

Enjoy the lotus season in poetic Hue

Lotus flowers have been associated with the people of Hue which is confirmed through the architecture, cuisine and culture here. In Hue, wherever you go, you can see lotus lake, lotus pond and Hue Royal Palace is no exception. Visitors can enjoy the gentle scent and enjoy the pure beauty of the royal lotus flower.

In this photo, the pink lotus in the lakes surrounding the Citadel, looking towards Ngu Phung Floor – Ngo Mon Gate, the main gate of Hue Citadel. The photo is in the set of photos of Sen’s early season in Hue made by photographer Nguyen Phong, who has worked and lived for many years in Hue.

According to recorded documents, Tinh Tam lake or Tinh lake is rectangular, with a circumference of nearly 1,500 m. There are three islands on the lake, Bong Lai, Phuong Truong and Doanh Chau.

In the photo is the Hong Cu Bridge leading to Bong Lai Island, underneath the pink lotus plant. Recently, Tinh lake has been renovated to create a well-ventilated water environment, the lotus grows well and blooms beautifully.

Enjoy the lotus season in poetic Hue

Lotus season in Hue usually has pink lotus and white lotus. In addition to the Tinh lake area, lotus is also grown in the moats of Hue city and lagoons, lotus ponds throughout the suburban area.

People in La Chu village, Huong Chu commune, Huong Tra town grow lotus in the form of intensive farming, alternating rice fields. This is one of the places to watch the beautiful lotus season on the outskirts of Hue.

Enjoy the lotus season in poetic Hue

The lotus flowers rose and bloomed in the swamps of La Chu. In the lagoon, each old lotus scroll plunges into the deep mud, looking for nutrients for fragrant flowers, mulch seeds and green leaves.
Lotus field scene in Huong Can village, Huong Toan commune, Huong Tra town. Summer comes, lotus flowers bloom in the swamps, adorn the ancient capital rich in poetry. Lotus will bloom in May and end of June.