Places to travel in Danang

In the last decade, a type of tourism that is quite hot and popular among young people is backpacking. But do you know the hottest places to travel in Da Nang?

Let’s follow Focus Asia Travel to explore the tourist attractions of Danang!


Why choose Danang?

I always have an affinity for Danang. Every year, I always try to arrange time to travel to Danang with my friends and family.

But when I came back to Danang this summer again and tried to visit Danang in a new way: exploring Da Nang tourist attractions. Suddenly, I realized I do not understand anything about Danang.

location of Danang

Danang is beautiful in every angle.

Explore tourist destinations in Da Nang

Hai Van Pass – the most dangerous destination 

Starting in Danang, going from the North, we will pass Hai Van pass which separates the two regions of the country. Although it is the most dangerous pass, it is also perhaps the most beautiful and majestic. This is the road connecting North – South.

Adventurers will experience a new feeling when conquering the most strange zigzag passes. But you should also follow the signs to slow down and observe carefully to keep yourself safe.

experience in Da Nang

Hai Van Pass – the challenge of the adventurers.

Bai Rang 

Located about 5km from the city center, Rang beach is one of the favorite places for tourists in Da Nang .

Bai Rang possesses the wild beauty of golden sandy beaches and unexploited coastline. The big rocky rapids lying next to each other and the rock dance grounds are extremely specialties in this place.

Coming to Rang beach, there will be no noisy sounds of the city. Rang Beach is most beautiful at dawn or sunset.

experience of skin follicle surgery

Bai Rang

Ghenh Bang

Ghenh Bang is considered as a beautiful place that tourists cannot ignore. The Creator has endowed this place with breathtaking beauty. In particular, the beauty here still retains its rustic features and beautiful water-color paintings.

Behind the large rugged rocks, a long beach with blue sea, white sand and shiny coconut trees, Wild rapids are rustic with the rare appearance of a few makeshift tents. You can watch the coral reefs peek at the edge of the water.

Son Tra Peninsula

Green Lake

Considered to be the most beautiful photo-taking place in recent years, Green Lake has impressed many tourists. Green Lake contains blue water, surrounded by trees and an asphalt road leading to the port. Seen from the side of Son Tra peninsula, Green Lake is like a large mirror reflecting the city image.

This is definitely the favorite destination for Danang .

Danang in the right way

Green Lake – attracts the most demanding people.

Ban Co Peak and Tien Sa Beach

The top of the chessboard is a destination for Da Nang where netizens joke is the place to meet De Thich. And Tien Sa beach just below Ban Co’s eye level is the place where fairies came to bathe.

Ban Co Peak is one of the highest peaks of Son Tra peninsula , with a great view over Da Nang city. Attached to these two places is a very good legend . If you want to hear the story and learn more, please come here to find out.

Da Nang under the player's perspective

Unique place to ride the top of Ban Co Da Nang.

Son Tra Hai Dang

Da Nang is a coastal city, and the lighthouses are very suitable as a travel destination in the city . This is a relatively new destination with beautiful and cool scenery which is suitable for travelers

The road to Son Tra peninsula is also quite simple. Around the lighthouse is a green primeval forest, airy, cool space. 

Da Nang - the destination of the backpackers

Hai Dang Son Tra, a unique place for backpacking and check-in.

Heaven well

One of the most beautiful and pristine places to travel in Da Nang is Gieng God. To get to this place, the rider must ride to Ba Na, trekking about 3km through a part of forest, the new moss slippery rocks. 

Arriving at the waterfall, you can go into the forest to cut bananas to make swimming buoys, experience catching stream snails, catching frogs, hunting rock crabs … At night, you can see the glowing fireflies, the sound of frogs can be heard. 

phan da nang

Da Nang tourism is very interesting. If you want to experience all of the unique Danang destinations above, let’s join Focus Asia Travel.