Ninh Thuan- an ideal destination for your summer

Ninh Thuan is considered as a tourist destination because of its beautiful beaches and immense sand dunes. Besides, there are many amusement places that also attract young people. Let’s follow Focus Asia Travel  to explore more about the tourist destinations of Ninh Thuan.

Ninh Chu Beach

Ninh Chu Beach is located in Khanh Hai commune, Ninh Hai district, about 6 km from Phan Rang – Thap Cham town. Ninh Chu Beach has a 10 km long arc-shaped white sand beach which is one of the most beautiful beaches in Vietnam. Ninh Chu beach is very suitable for tourism activities such as bathing. sea, windsurfing, fishing, yacht, rock climbing, hunting, etc.

Ninh Thuan tourist destination

When coming here, tourists can swim, climb mountains and visit pagodas. Furthermore, tourists can go picnic in Vinh Hy or hunt in fresh water springs, 

Seaweed field

Only about 10km south of Phan Rang – Thap Cham city center, Seaweed field  in Tu Thien village, Phuoc Dinh commune, Thuan Nam district, Ninh Thuan province is a new destination which attracts many young people to “check in” and create beautiful photo albums for themselves. Ninh Thuan seaweed field

Located on the coastal road of Ninh Thuan, the green seaweed field has a seductive beauty that captivates people’s hearts and appears only twice a day. Seaweed fields appear from 5:00 – 9: 00/10: 00 am, 15:00 – 18:00 pm, depending on the lunar calendar, the time can be 1-2 hours. The water will be highest on the 1st, and the full moon day will be the lowest.

Vinh Hy Bay

Vinh Hy Bay is located from the city center, 42 km from Phan Rang – Thap Cham in the northeast direction, Vinh Hai commune, Ninh Hai district. It is a place with many wild features bestowed by generous nature, a beautiful and majestic natural complex surrounded by white sand beaches.February tourism

Vinh Hy Bay is an ideal destination for tourists exploring the wild and poetic natural landscapes. Three sides are green hills interspersed with limestone rocks with strange shapes surrounding Vinh Hy. The blue sea water is rippling with small waves like a soft silk ribbon. In the early morning, visitors can comfortably bathe or relax in the cool breeze or take a leisurely double walk.

Rai Cave

Located close to Vinh Hy Bay is Hang Rai – a famous tourist destination in Ninh Thuan with a thousand-year old coral reef. In the past, there were many otters living here. They clung to the rocks, eroding coral reefs. Now, there are a lot of coral reefs with strange shapes, sharp-edged rocks, layers of rocks that keep piling up to form many small caves, looking extremely interesting.

Explore Rai Cave - Vinh Hy Bay, beautiful as a scene

Let’s coming to Rai Cave to enjoy sightseeing, fishing and immerse yourself in the clear blue water or watch the coral as you like.

Beautiful tourist destination in Ninh Thuan

The best time to see Rai Cave is at dawn, but the sunrise time here is quite early around 5:30 a.m. So overnight camping in Rai Cave is also an interesting thing that tourists should try. When dawn has just emerged, the pink horizon shines the first rays of sunlight on the “waterfall on the sea”, making the scene more magical and memorable.

Ninh Thuan vineyard

Currently in Ninh Thuan there are two famous vineyards: Thai An vineyard and Ba Moi vineyard. Both vineyards have a large scale but the larger in Ninh Thuan is Thai An vineyard. Thousands of vine stumps climbed on the trellis to green a large garden. Under the green foliage are bunches of succulent grapes and limbs.

Ninh Thuan vineyard

Stepping into the vineyard, you can freely take pictures of amazing virtual live. This is definitely Ninh Thuan tourist destination that should not be missed by tourists and foreign tourists.

Binh Tien Sea

Binh Tien beach is located in Cong Hai commune, Ham Thuan Bac district, Ninh Thuan province. Located about 30 km from Phan Rang city and 70 km south of Nha Trang city, this beach possesses a peaceful beauty with fine white sand, interesting cliffs and peaceful sea.

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Binh Tien Sea

Coming to Binh Tien beach, visitors will feel the extremely charming wild beauty. This place is like a peaceful picture, surrounded by mountains, rocks and rows of green trees, mixed in whispering waves of the sea. It is surrounded by forests and rocky mountains so the sea surface is quite gentle and clean. With sand stretching far away, calm sea surface rippling with small waves, visitors can freely soak in the clear blue ocean and relax with nature and sea.

Ca Na Beach

Ca Na beach is about 3km long, curved like a crescent, located in Ninh Phuoc district, Ninh Thuan province, 32km from Phan Rang town. Ca Na Beach is an ideal beach thanks to its blue sea, white sand, rocky rapids, mountains.

the most beautiful coastal road in Vietnam

Ca Na beach with large and small rocks piled up or squeezed together, stretching out to the sea, undulating in the waves with many fancy, sparkling and fanciful shapes. The night in Ca Na is very beautiful especially on days. Everything seems to blend into the sky and the nature.

Nam Cuong Sand Dunes (Ninh Thuan)

Located next to the villages of the Cham people, Nam Cuong sand hill has an area of ​​about 700 hectares. On the soaring hills, visitors can see the green East Hai sea and the southwest is Cha Bang- the legendary mountain range of the Cham people.

beautiful sand hill in the central region

The best time to admire this small desert is at dawn when you will be able to see the romantic space more beautiful.

Mui Dinh Beach

Mui Dinh is located about 30 km south of Phan Rang – Thap Cham city center.
From the road DT701, if you want to get to Mui Dinh, you should go through a “desert” of sand about 1km wide. Mui Dinh does not have many services because of its wilderness. 

Beautiful tourist destination in Ninh Thuan

Mui Dinh beach is one of the most beautiful beaches in Ninh Thuan with beautiful clear blue water and  golden sand.

check-in Ninh Thuan

Coming to Mui Dinh, visitors not only can swim, climb the lighthouse cross the sand desert, but also have the opportunity to experience off-road driving on the sand and visit poetic sheep fields. Furthermore, visitors can visit Mui Dinh Lighthouse which was built in 1904 from the French period with an altitude of 170m above sea level. Despite not as majestic as other lighthouses, this scenery will crack the hearts of every visitors.

Po Klong Garai Tower

Po Klong Garai Tower is located 07 km from the center of Phan Rang – Thap Cham to the West, including 3 towers: the main tower is dedicated to the statue of King Po Klong Garai, the gate tower in the east and the tower of Than Lua in the south. The tower is surrounded by a perpendicular wall frame on the East and South sides.

Ninh Thuan places to visit

This place is considered as the most beautiful tower cluster of the Cham temples that still exists in Vietnam today..