Immerse yourself in the golden color of Da Lat wildflowers

Da Lat wild sunflowers is not fragrant like roses or pristine like cauliflower, they possess a distinct scent of wild flowers. Bright yellow flowers light up the streets in Da Lat. 

The meaning of wild anemone

There is an oral story that: In the past, there was a couple named K’lang and H’limh, two people loved each other dearly and lived together very happily.

Immersed in the flower season of Dalat

Until one day, the K’lang was captured by the villains of the Lasieng tribe during a hunting trip. To protect her husband, H’limh used her body to stop the sharp spears of the enemy. She did not pass, and where she fell, fragile wildflowers were sprouted with strong vitality.

That is why Ye kneel represents a fragile but very strong love.

In what month is the wild flowers blooming season?

In Dalat flower season, flowers compete with each other all year round. When the rains at the end of the season still poured down the mountains and forests of the Central Highlands. Around the end of October, Da Lat was lit up by the bright yellow color of wild flowers. This will probably be the top tourist destination in Dalat which is ideal for checking in this flower forest.

Immersed in the flower season of Dalat

Wild Sunflower is a species of grass that grows into dust, becoming a carpet spreading across the hills. When it blooms, it creates a brilliant yellow color. The golden color is like a warm sunshine that dispels the cold weather of the windy plateau.

Da Lat Wild Sunflower will probably be best in the early morning when dew drops are still on the petals of the flowers and leaves. The dewdrops shone in the morning sun sparkle like crystals. Thousands of yellow petals suddenly lit up the whole area under the morning light.

The paths of wild flower hunting in Dalat

The wildflowers season in Da Lat lasted for half a month. Whenever the wild flower season comes, the streets will be bustling with laughter from tourists. 

Road: Dalat – Cam Ly Airport – Van Thanh Flower Village, Ta Nung Town – Elephant Waterfall – Langbiang Mountain.

At this road, you can combine visiting tourist spots such as Ta Nung Pass, Langbiang Mountain. On this road, you will be immersed in the forest of wildflowers inside the Cam Ly airport area. Here, there are roads through the airport. Along the two sides of this road, Wild Sunflowers bloom everywhere.

Road: Trai Mat – Cau Dat – Dran Town

This road can be considered as the most beautiful wild flower in Da Lat. In the area along the road from Trai Mat to Cau Dat tea hill, Wild Sunflowers bloom brightly on both sides of the road.

Across D’ran pass is the territory of Don Duong town, a line of yellow wildflowers on both sides and at the foot of Da Nhim dam.

Wild anemone flower season

Road: Da Lat – Lien Khuong – Nam Ban- Ta Nung- Da Lat

Starting from Da Lat city, passing Prenn pass to Highway 20 then go to Highway 27 and go back to Da Lat city. 

Road: Da Lat – Cau Dat – Dan – Don Duong – Chau Son pine hill – Phi Nom – Tu Tra – Da Lat.

This is a quite long road which is about 130 km. With this road, you will experience deep valleys hidden under a lush green pine forest.

The season of wild flowers in Dalat

Along the path of the pass are clouds and a flying momentum of old pine trees. The ribbons of wild flowers continue to hold tourists’ feet. 

To talk about wild sunflowers, there is no place as beautiful as Da Lat wild flowers . Each visitor here is ecstatic with the luminous beauty of this wild flower.