Highlights in Nha Trang


Nha Trang is known as “Tropical Paradise”, this place is famous for its pristine beaches, clear blue sea, attracting many domestic and international tourists. In addition to the pristine beaches, Nha Trang is also known for many other interesting spots, let’s explore  the highlights in Nha Trang in the article below …

Vinpearl Land

Vinpearl Land Nha Trang

Some interesting points when  traveling Nha Trang  to Vinpearl Land, this is an entertainment area combined with high-end international standard resorts, Vinpearl Land is comparable to the amusement parks in the area. field and the world. Coming to Vinpearl Land, you should not miss some places like Water Park with many interesting and interesting games. Aquarium – Miniature ocean with a variety of rare creatures, outdoor game area with many thrilling games. There are also many places to have fun such as indoor game area, water music stage, food village, shopping street, …


Nha Trang cable car

This is the longest cable car system in Vietnam with 3320 meters with 9 pillars on the sea and on land with the same shape and structure as the Eiffel Tower. Vinpearl cable car is considered as a “wonder” with special attraction and attraction to visitors every time they visit Vinpearl. From the ideal height of the cable car, this is a new viewpoint, you can see the panoramic view of Nha Trang city with the green, winding beaches embracing the city and the panorama of Vinpearl entertainment. Beautiful Land.

Beautiful beaches

Silkworm Island Nha Trang

Surrounding the coastal city of Nha Trang, there are many beautiful beaches, with clear blue sea water, attractive such as Nha Trang beach, Doc Let beach, Duong beach, Dai beach, … Besides, there are many islands with Beautiful beaches like Hon Mun island, Hon Tam island, Ninh Van bay, …

Water games

Water games

At the beautiful beaches, you can participate in many water games such as water motorbike, canoe visiting some nearby beaches, basket boat ride, windsurfing, parachuting, … and at the beaches. In the blue in islands such as Hon Mun Island, Hon Tam Island, you can participate in diving games under the sea, sitting on a boat to watch the coral.

Aquarium Institute

Aquarium Institute

Come to Nha Trang, do not miss the place of Institute of Oceanography, this will be an interesting and exciting place for everyone. Coming to the oceanographic institute, you will be able to see firsthand the Marine Biology Museum with over 20,000 specimens, 4,000 different species of marine and freshwater. There is also the Oceanographic Museum that holds many relics of rare creatures. Here you can also see living creatures, rare creatures raised in a glass tank.

Ponagar tower

Ponagar tower

This is also a worthy place to visit in Nha Trang , Ponagar Tower is a temple located on a small hill of the Cham people, this is a historical and cultural relic in the architectural complex of Cham Pa culture. tissue input is the largest remaining in central Vietnam.

Dam Market Nha Trang

Dam Market Nha Trang

A fun crowded market focused on selling a lot of popular items, dried seafood, handicrafts, souvenirs, … You can come here to join the fair and buy some items. keep as a souvenir for your trip to Nha Trang .