Dalat market

Dalat has always been an interesting destination for many tourists. When you come here, do not forget to visit Dalat market. Today, Focus Asia Travel will show you interesting things about Dalat market.

The location of the market?

Dalat Market is located on Nguyen Thi Minh Khai, Ward. 1, Da Lat City, T. Lam Dong, 5 minutes walk from the market to Xuan Huong Lake.

Da Lat night market is located on Nguyen Thi Minh Khai street. It opens from 6 -7 pm to 6-7 am the next morning.

Specialty at Dalat night market

Visiting Dalat market, visitors can be satisfied with the abundance of goods, clean food stalls and stable prices.

It is quite diverse with different types of goods including: Da Lat vegetables (cabbage, cauliflower, artichokes, umbrellas, spinach, …); Da Lat flowers (persimmon, chrysanthemum, sand wall, lily, lily, white lily,…);  Dalat specialties  (strawberry, persimmon, avocado, strawberry jam, strawberry juice, sweet potato, dried persimmons, canola wine, wine and some other types of jam);

Dalat market specialties

Dining stalls with a full range of dishes from the North, Central and South; garment stalls, especially wool products (sweaters, wool hats, wool towels … from textiles to hand-knit products); souvenir stalls, etc..

The above is very necessary information about this market. Let’s explore and share the experience with us when you come here!