All about 3 beautiful Lavender Dalat flower gardens that visitors cannot ignore

Dalat – “dream city” has made many visitors sobbing because of their unique brilliant flower gardens. One of the things that makes tourists impressed here is the beautiful lavender gardens. Today, Focus Asia travel will introduce the top 3 lavender flower gardens in Dalat.


Lavender is a shrub that has a very pleasant fragrance. This flower has been around since the time of Ancient Greece. This is a natural herb that cures the most ailments so many companies today often use it to make treatment products and perfume.

lavender flowers

In particular, lavender has a purple color that represents the romantic love of the couple.

What month do lavender flowers bloom in Da Lat?

 Dalat is one of the very few places in Vietnam where this flower can be grown. When coming to this place in May or June, you will stand among the fields of purple flowers and enjoy the seductive scent spreading throughout the space.

3 lavender flowers in Dalat that you cannot miss

Lavender Dalat flower field in Tuyen Lam lake.

Lavender Da Lat flower garden in ​​Tuyen Lam lake is in full bloom this May. Many tourists visit because the space here is like a painting.

lavender flower garden in Dalat

This field of flowers is located in the area of ​​Tuyen Lam Lake so the way to get there is not difficult. However, for the first- time visitors, it is difficult to find the way.

Get lost in the Lavender Dalat flower garden in the Valley of Love

The first flower field in Dalat is located in the Valley of Love located at 03 – 05 – 07 on Mai Anh Dao Street. The area of ​​lavender growing here is up to 2000m2 and contains many different types of lavender to welcome the Dalat Flower Festival. Lavender flowers here is extremely beautiful. Bright flower colors make you feel like being immersed in a romantic setting.

Lavender garden in the valley of love

To visit this beautiful lavender field, you have to buy a ticket. You can not only admire the unique lavender flowers but also admire the valley on the tram and duck ride to the lake scenery. 

Lavender Flower Garden in Da Lat Bridge

It is about 15km from the center of Da Lat city and the way to get there is not difficult.

Lavender garden at Cau Dat

When you reach the gate of the tea hill, you continue to go straight for another 1km, following the concrete road, you will see a beautiful field of Lavender flowers appearing right in front of your eyes.


  • The lavender fields here are only open to allow sightseeing on Thursday to Sunday.
  • You are not allowed to pick flowers, step on flower plants, take pictures in the path inside the garden.

Here are super detailed information about the 3 most beautiful Lavender Dalat flower gardens. If you intend to come to Da Lat, please contact Focus Asia Travel for a dedicated consultation !!!